Can I Reverse the Effects of the Abortion Pill?
You’ve changed your mind. Now what? You’ve taken the first of 2 medications to induce an abortion, but you’re second-guessing that decision. If you’re within the 24-72 hour window and have not taken the second pill, it may not be too late to save your pregnancy....
Can You Still Get an Abortion in OH?
With the overturning of Roe v. Wade since June 2022, stricter abortion restrictions have been put in place in states across the U.S. It can be difficult to know what is fact from fiction. In 1973 the Supreme Court made abortion a legal right for women, as a part of...
Is There a Difference Between Plan B Pill and Abortion Pill?
Your period is late, you frequently have the urge to run to the restroom, you’re tired, and to top it off, you’re scared! Is it possible that you are pregnant? There’s always a chance of becoming pregnant when you’re sexually active. As you consider your next course...
3 Things Needed Before an Abortion and How to Get Them Free
You think you might be pregnant, but being pregnant right now isn’t what you had in mind. What are you going to do? If your next thought is abortion, you’ll need a little more information first. Before anyone can have an abortion, they need to know three things. Don’t...
Ordering the Abortion Pill Online: Is it safe for me?
The “abortion pill” is often touted as a magic wand for unwanted pregnancies. Now, just like ordering off Amazon, you can order the abortion pill online to be delivered directly to your house. Really, how harmful could two small pills be? No matter how simple the...
3 Reasons You Need an Ultrasound Before Planned Parenthood
“Do I really need an ultrasound before I go to Planned Parenthood?” You may be asking yourself this question. We know what you may be unplanned pregnancy tends to bring pressure and stress. Before you rush into your next step, it’s important to know why...