You think you might be pregnant, but being pregnant right now isn’t what you had in mind. What are you going to do? If your next thought is abortion, you’ll need a little more information first. Before anyone can have an abortion, they need to know three things. Don’t make an appointment with the abortion clinic and spend your money. Get the answers you need first from Hope Rising. Best of all? It’s free! 

#1 Confirmation of Your Pregnancy

Even if you’ve taken an at-home pregnancy test, it’s essential to confirm your pregnancy with lab-quality pregnancy testing. A pregnancy test measures the level of the hCG hormone in your urine. If hCG is detected, you can be confident you are pregnant. Sometimes a home pregnancy test is taken too early, which produces a false-negative test result. Plus, there are other reasons your period might come late. Stress, a hormone imbalance, or weight issues can affect your menstrual cycle. If you’ve experienced any of those issues, you may not be pregnant. It’s even possible you could have been pregnant but are experiencing a miscarriage. Many women have miscarriages. Research shows the highest percentage of them occur before week 6 of pregnancy. A woman can have a miscarriage in the early weeks, before even realizing she is pregnant, and it will look like a late period. So, why spend money on an at-home pregnancy test when you can take one for free at Hope Rising? A trained staff member will quickly review the results with you so you can be confident you have the correct result.

#2 How Far Along You Are

Before anyone can have an abortion, they need to know how far along their pregnancy is. Knowing when your pregnancy began will determine what type of abortion you can have: medical or surgical. The quickest and easiest way to get that information is to have an ultrasound after a positive pregnancy test. Your ultrasound gives you real-time details like the actual date of conception (how far along your pregnancy is) and if the pregnancy is viable. For a pregnancy to be viable, you need to know if there is a heartbeat and the fetus is growing. Finally, you need to ensure your pregnancy is located in your uterus. If it is outside of your uterus, it is called an ectopic pregnancy. This can be a serious medical situation requiring immediate attention. At Hope Rising, our limited ultrasounds are free. They are performed by a licensed sonographer so you can be confident the procedure is being done correctly. 

#3 Your Pregnancy Options

Where can you go to get information for free about abortion and the other options you have? At Hope Rising, we’ll schedule a time to sit down with you, explain the abortion process, and discuss other options that are available to you. All of this is offered at no cost.  Plus, every test and conversation we have is strictly confidential. No one will be notified. Because everything is offered free of charge, no insurance is needed so we won’t need to contact your insurance company. We believe you deserve respect and privacy.

You Have Nothing to Lose

As you can see, everything you need to know before you can schedule your abortion is available to you at Hope Rising, and it is free! You have absolutely nothing to lose. Contact us today to schedule your appointment. Be prepared with the facts you need before you take that next step.